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Phone Number: 01293426677
Burridge House, Priestley Way, Crawley, RH109NT
Document Options are an award-winning Crawley-based supplier of business process automation, document scanning, management, and storage services for businesses of all types and sizes. Through our new, technically advanced services, we can meet our clients’ requirements for better, faster, lower-cost document management processing and integration to help streamline operations.
Our services comprise of:
• Scanning and data capture ranging from archive scanning to specialist requirements such as large format scanning, patient medical record scanning and x-ray scanning
• Document management including workflow and content management, online document hosting and document management software & systems
• Process automation solutions including automated invoice processing, digital mailroom services, distributed scanning systems and intelligent business process management
• Box archive storage and records management, secure shredding and CD, DVD, and hard drive destruction
Our smart business automation solutions and document management techniques are designed to help businesses increase efficiency, productivity and security while reducing administrative errors and reducing labour costs. Contact us to find out more.
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