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- More from Gifts
Phone Number: 01323 641098
Terminus Road, Eastbourne, BN21 3NR
Maybugs the home of fabulousness opened their first store in Hailsham 3 years ago offering a beautiful range of gifts, homewares, jewellery, toys and more!
Flowers by Maybugs opened next door to the Hailsham gift shop in June 2020... not just your ordinary florist!
And in July 2021, Maybugs flew into Eastbourne and opened their gift superstore on Terminus Road.
Drop in to Hailsham or Eastbourne and you’ll receive a fabulous welcome from Team Bug, or shop online at
Vicarage Field, Hailsham Tel: 01323 449901
Terminus Road, Eastbourne Tel: 01323 641098
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