Creative Writing students at the University of Chichester took part in an exciting collaboration with Pallant House, in which they were invited to dive into the life and work of renowned British artists Dora Carrington, Maggi Hambling and others.
The artists have been deeply inspired by nature in their work, and students explored and responded to this theme through poetry or prose.
The 12 students performed their work at an evening event at the gallery on Thursday, 6 March, and three of the students shared their experiences of the project:
Lauren Winters, who is studying MA Creative Writing, said:
“We had a personal tour of Pallant House when the gallery was closed, and were asked to list our top three paintings.
"I instantly connected to ‘Reclining Nude with Dove in a Mountainous Landscape (portrait of Henrietta Bingham)’ by Dora Carrington, and I was over the moon that I was able to write a response to this one.
“I read Dora Carrington’s letters, researched her artistic style, learned about Henrietta Bingham, and then I sat down and free wrote and refined and shaped my work from there.
"Workshopping with other students on the project was very helpful. It was lovely to work with creative writing students from other years, as we hadn’t had that opportunity previously.
“I had never read my work in public before. Getting dressed up and reading the work in a gallery made me feel like a ‘proper’ writer – up there you just had to own it: slow down, project your voice and enjoy your work without apology.
"The audience was very receptive, and you could hear a pin drop as we all read our pieces.
“Something the MA had already given me was permission within a busy life, to say, ‘I want and need time to write’.
"I’m going to take that further now and include going to more exhibitions, concerts and being in nature to keep that creative well topped up. I have also learnt that presenting myself as a writer, and stepping into that role, is vitally important to my confidence and enjoyment.”
Riley Turner, who is studying BA Creative Writing, said:
“The painting I chose was ‘Antler Moth’ by Sarah Gillespie. Many of the other artworks were colourful and seemed almost alive with vibrancy.
"In contrast, ‘Antler Moth’ was stark in its simplicity. A single moth rendered in black and white on a dark background – it was an image that stayed with me after I left the gallery. I was so excited when it was allocated to me.
“After experimenting with a few ideas, I realised I wanted to write something that felt loyal both to the painting and my initial inspiration. I focussed on the transformational ability of the moth and wanted to give these misunderstood creatures a chance to represent positivity.
"So often in literature, moths are depicted as somewhat frightening. At the same time, I drew inspiration from the transforming world around me. As February shifted into March, I’d noticed the reemergence of daffodils and other flowers, and these influences had the greatest impact on my response to Gillespie’s incredible artwork.”
MA student David Smith, who writes under the pseudonym Jude Neiman, said:
“At first, given the abstract nature of my chosen painting ‘P J Harvey in Concert’ by Maggi Hambling, I felt there was almost too much room for interpretation!
"However, once I homed in on the event’s theme of the natural world, ideas began coalescing, based on my abstracted, pareidolic impression of the artwork.
"The chaotic flow and colour of the piece, and its impressionistic likeness to the brain (to me) evoked allusions to psychedelics. This led me to rituals or ceremonies in which naturally occurring psychedelics, including fungi, are used to commune with and receive insight from nature. I opted to personify nature itself as a narrator, embodying the collective voice of a conscious mycelium network.
“The event was a unique experience, both creatively and personally, as it provided a novel way of engaging with an audience through the added dimension of visual stimulus. I received some encouraging feedback and came away from the event feeling uplifted by a sense of gratitude that people are interested in my work.”
Karen Stevens, Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing, said:
“The University of Chichester is very lucky to have such a strong connection with Pallant House Gallery, which The Guardian states ‘is second only to the Tate for modern British art’.
“The students produced some very original and innovative responses to the artwork, and the event was a real opportunity for them to experience performing their work professionally.
"The result was a thoroughly entertaining, thought-provoking and engaging evening that friends, family and gallery visitors truly enjoyed.”
To find out more about Creative Writing at the University of Chichester, visit: https://www.chi.ac.uk/english-and-creative-writing/