Police have released images of two men and details of a vehicle they're trying to trace after £2,000 pounds worth of building materials were taken from a property in Shipley Bridge Lane.
The two men were disturbed by the owner of the property at around 6am on Friday, May 6th.
They drove off in a white, flatbed Inveco van. The van had a registration of GN07KNJ and a sign on the rear either spelt ‘PHILAMAR’ or ‘PHILMAR’ and below that ‘PLANT AND MACHINERY’.
Checks on the vehicle currently show no registered owner.
One of the suspects is white, slim with facial hair. He was wearing a green hoody, a dark baseball cap, jogging bottoms, black socks and white trainers with blue detailing.
The other suspect is white, of large build and clean shaven. He was wearing a blue hoody, black jogging bottoms and white trainers.
Anyone with any information which can help the investigation is urged to report online, or call 101, quoting serial 190 of 06/05.