A survey asking what West Sussex County Council can do to improve support offered to people from the South Asian community affected by dementia ends in two weeks.
A report commissioned last year by the Alzheimer’s Society uncovered nationwide problems such as a lack of culturally inclusive support for people with the disease and their families.
The county council’s survey closes on January 22 and asks ‘Would the South Asian community benefit from more culturally targeted dementia support?’
A spokesman said the council would like to explore how a day support service – possibly held in a community centre or similar space – would best support the community and what barriers there might be for people trying to get to and use the service.
They added:
“A service like this provides someone living with dementia with support, stimulation and a good meal.
“The service brings together people living with dementia – providing a space for your loved one to socialise with people who they have things in common with.
“Evidence shows that the benefits of such a service slows down the deterioration of physical and mental functions of someone living with dementia and can help with retaining independence so they are able to stay living at home for longer.
“It also provides a break for family carers, who may be working themselves, and juggling other responsibilities.”
The Alzheimer’s Society has warned that the number of people in BAME communities with dementia was expected to double to around 50,000 by 2026.
A 600 per cent rise in diagnosis is predicted by 2050, compared to a 100 per cent increase in the general UK population.
The steepest increase is expected in South Asian communities.
Inviting people to take part in the survey, the council spokesman added:
“[The council is] looking to improve the experience of people affected by dementia from its South Asian community and would like to gather the views of community members as to how best to support you.
“By completing this questionnaire, you will help inform our future service development and ensure, that if a South Asian dementia support service can be provided, that it meets your needs.”
To take part in the consultation, log on to yourvoice.westsussex.gov.uk .
Translations of the survey to Hindi, Urdu, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali and Tamil are available by calling Dushana Pinfield on 07769 658506 or email