The next stage of plans to build a block of flats in Eastbourne are set to go before town planners next week.
On Wednesday 26 May, Eastbourne Borough Council’s planning committee are set to consider a reserved matters application for plans to build a block of 29 flats in Upperton Road.
The scheme was given outline planning permission in July last year (although it was given committee approval in October 2019), with planning officers saying the final proposals are “broadly similar” to the indicative designs and should be approved.
In a report to the committee, an Eastbourne planning officer said:
“The application site already benefits from outline planning consent for the construction of up to 29 units. The layout, appearance and landscaping are considered acceptable.
“Planning conditions secured at outline stage can secure appropriate parking, access, drainage and landscaping detail.
“It is recommended that reserved matters approval is granted subject to the additional conditions.”
The additional conditions include the construction of a bin store and a requirement for car parking to be in place before any of the flats can be occupied.
While recommended for approval, the proposals have seen some opposition from local residents.
According to planning documents, objectors have raised concerns around overdevelopment of the area, overlooking on neighbouring properties and the potential for putting extra pressure on local infrastructure.
Objectors have also raised concerns around the quality of the proposed flats, although this view is not shared by planning officers.
Due to the size of the scheme, developers would normally be expected to provide affordable housing on site. However, the developer is arguing that this would be difficult to achieve within the scheme given the management requirements of registered providers meaning communal areas cannot be shared.
As a result the developer would instead expected to make a financial contribution towards affordable housing if the scheme is approved. This would be equivalent to 40 per cent of the total scheme, around £265,887.
For further information on the proposals see application reference 210045 on the Eastbourne Borough Council website.
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