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Plans For Bexhill Football Club FA Grounds Postponed

Sunday, 19 July 2020 08:16

By Huw Oxburgh - Local Democracy Reporter

Plans to secure FA-approved grounds for a Bexhill football club have been postponed pending further discussion with Sports England.

On Thursday (July 16), Rother District Council’s planning committee had been due to consider proposals for a number of improvements for Little Common Football Club’s grounds in Bexhill Recreation Ground. 

However, the item was pulled from the agenda in light of ongoing discussions with Sports England about the proposals.

A Rother District Council spokesman said:

“The application for Little Common Recreation Ground was scheduled to be discussed at yesterday’s planning committee. 

“With discussions with Sport England ongoing, we were not in a position to present the report to the committee yesterday, but hope to be able to do so soon.”

According to correspondence with the council, Sports England had not initially been consulted about the proposals.

As a result the organisation put forward a holding objection until it had the opportunity to consider and comment on the scheme.

In a letter to the council, a spokesman for the organisation said:

“Procedurally, it is important that Sport England be formally consulted on this application as a matter of some urgency as it appears that the proposed fencing could prejudice the safe use of the other football pitches and the non turf cricket pitch on the playing fields. 

“Sport England will seek to submit any comments on this application within 21 days of the date of this email. In the meantime we register a holding objection to the application. 

“As the recreation ground is in the ownership of Rother DC should the Council be minded to grant planning permission contrary to Sport England’s holding objection, then  … the application should be referred to the Secretary of State, via the National Planning Casework Unit.”

The proposals would see fencing – just shy of two metres tall – erected around the pitch, as well as new roofed stands added at the sides of the pitch

The erection of the fencing requires an existing footpath to be diverted outside of the grounds. 

When taken together, the  proposed improvements would mean the football grounds would meet FA standards, allowing the club to play league games at home in Bexhill for the first time in three seasons.

While backed by many in the community (as council planners have received 175 letters of support), neighbours have raised a number of concerns about the potential impact of the proposals on their amenity. 

Planners, however, say these concerns do not outweigh the benefits of the scheme.

While Bexhill Recreation Ground is council-owned land, Little Common FC is in the process of agreeing a eight-year lease agreement with Rother District Council. 

Rother District Council anticipates it will see a loss of income as a result of the lease – approximately £3,000 each year in pitch fees. However, it also expects to make a saving of around £2,500 per annum as a result of no longer having to maintain the football pitch.

The club will also be charged £500 per year as part of the eight-year lease agreement.

For the last three seasons The Commoners have played home games at The Oval in Eastbourne as it is the only local venue with the capacity to host the team.

However this arrangement is no longer viable and was not due to continue after the 2019/20 season.

By Huw Oxburgh, Local Democracy Reporter.

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