Steady progress is reportedly being made in a £23million scheme to build a key transport link in Burgess Hill.
The A2300 improvements scheme will widen around 2.5km of single-lane road to dual carriageway and support the provision of approximately 3,500 new homes, 3,600 new jobs and 200,000m2 of new employment floor space.
The project will reduce congestion and so cut both journey times and pollution. It will also provide new facilities for pedestrians and cyclists to help promote sustainable transport.
The scheme started during lockdown in late April - with the Government's COVID-19 guidance followed throughout - and, so far:
- The earthworks have been started on the new eastbound carriageway
- Work has been carried out on the existing balancing pond (this holds water to prevent the drainage system being overwhelmed by surface run-off water)
- Drainage installation has been started
The next steps in the project include the continuation of earthworks, drainage installion, surfacing works and central barrier installations.
The scheme, which is jointly funded by central government through the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership Local Growth Deal, developer contributions and the county council, will have weekly updates on its progress posted online.
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