The Salvation Army figures show nearly two-thirds of UK public are seeing more signs of deprivation in their communities.
The charity’s survey of more than 5,000 people across the UK reveals that worries about the cost of living (54%), the state of the world (32%), and paying for presents (28%), are leading to many struggling to find Christmas joy.
Over two fifths (42%) of people know someone who has fallen on hard times financially in the last year, who could do with some help this festive season.
Painting a stark picture of a modern United Kingdom, the data also reveals that over half of people are struggling to feel comfort (55%) and joy (57%) this Christmas.
‘Comfort’ in the survey is defined as ‘physically comfortable and safe’, and ‘joy’ as meaning ‘happy and hopeful’.
A third (34%) say their feelings of hope this Christmas are at an all-time low.
Specifically in Brighton, the survey found:
- Two-thirds (66%) of people living in Brighton say they’re seeing more signs of deprivation in their community
- Over a quarter (27%) of people in the city say they DON’T feel hopeful this Christmas with the cost-of-living (53%), worrying about the state of the world (39%), and being able to afford Christmas presents (29%) the main concerns
- 37% of people in Brighton know someone who has fallen on hard times financially in the last year, who could do with some help this Christmas
The findings of the research come as little surprise to The Salvation Army, whose officers are preparing for increased demand for their help this Christmas.
However, they say they're working hard to help those in need and calling for support to help bring comfort and joy to more people experiencing deprivation this Christmas.
This year, the charity will be:
- Distributing around 76,000* presents to children whose parents cannot afford to buy gifts.
- Providing beds for 3,000 people every night in 81 residential hostels, called Lifehouses, across the UK and the Republic of Ireland.
- Providing Christmas lunches and companionship to older people living alone.
- Giving Christmas food parcels to families who are struggling to afford a proper Christmas lunch.
- Offering people a safe, warm alternative to a night on the streets through their emergency provision.
- Providing practical support of hot food, clothing and access to drop-in day centres with access to specialist support.
Christmas time does bring a glimmer of hope though… as almost half (47%) agree they find it easier to find joy at Christmas compared to the rest of the year.
Over three in five (61%) feel they have the power to make the future for themselves and the people they care about more hopeful.
The survey also found:
- Almost 2 in 5 (39%) Brits agree that their feeling of hope is the lowest it’s been in 10 years.
- 63% believe we need to rediscover our Christmas spirit and do more to support those experiencing deprivation at this time of year.
- More than 3 in 5 (63%) believe the country and their local community need an urgent injection of comfort and joy this Christmas.
- Half of Britons (50%) have spent or will spend less on Christmas presents this year.