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Social Care In East Sussex: Council Won't Call On Government To Publish Proposals

Wednesday, 4 November 2020 06:00

By Huw Oxburgh, Local Democracy Reporter

A motion calling on the government to publish its proposals on social care has failed to win the backing of a senior county councillor. 

At a meeting on Monday (November 2), East Sussex County Council’s lead member for adult social care Carl Maynard declined to support a motion calling on the government to publish its white paper on the reform and future of adult social care.

The motion had been put forward by Liberal Democrat councillors John Ungar and David Tutt, who argued the government should lay out its plans for the integration of health and social care services to allow for greater future planning. 

Speaking during the meeting, Cllr Ungar said:

“This Covid crisis has highlighted the need for greater working between health and adult social care. 

“While here in East Sussex health and social care have done their best in open area, they haven’t had the support from government on its long term intentions. 

“I think the problem is the longer term. The county here are very good at working together in the short and medium term. The white paper would give us direction for the longer term. 

“Not only would it help us in providing care but it would also help the county in long term financial planning.”

Cllr Maynard, however, had been recommended not to support the motion in a report by council officers, who argued it would be the wrong time for long term planning given the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. 

In a report to Cllr Maynard, a council officer said:

“There is consensus that long term, sustainable reform is required for the social care sector, however the timing of such reform is a critical consideration. 

“Such reform will require considerable consultation and engagement with the public and all key stakeholders at a time when the social care sector is facing another round of winter pressures on top of the continuing challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Given the context that the health and social care system is currently operating within, [the] lead member is recommended not to support the notice of motion.”

Cllr Ungar described this view as “short-sighted” and urged Cllr Maynard to support the motion. 

However, Cllr Maynard shared officers’ views. He said:

“I think if you look across England we are actually ahead of the game in updating the way in which we provide healthcare in East Sussex, working very carefully in partnership with all interested parties, including those in the private sector.

“I think that we can say quite categorically that compared with other local authorities up and down the country we are actually in a very strong position.”

He added:

“We very clearly in the report talk about the context of lobbying the government on this particular issue bang in the middle of the current Covid crisis. 

“What we should all be wanting the government to do is to respond to the Covid crisis in an appropriate manner.

“If we were to have a consultation, as [the report says], would be through the lens of a healthcare crisis given the current focus of protecting the NHS.

“I don’t disagree with the mover or the seconder that obviously we would want to see the white paper at the earliest possible opportunity, but I don’t think it is realistic to ask the government to publish that white paper when we are in the midst of the Covid crisis.”

The notice of motion will be debated at a full council meeting on December 1. 

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