Families have until 15 January 2023 to submit their children’s primary school application on time to have the best chance of being offered one of their preferred schools.
Parents and carers of children currently in Year 2 at infant school should also apply for a place at junior school before midnight on Sunday, 15 January.
Children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 are eligible to start school in September 2023.
The quickest and easiest way is to apply online on our website, where people can find all of the information they need. All West Sussex libraries have free use of computers and staff on hand to help people with their application.
Those unable to apply online should call the admissions team on 033 301 42903 for support.
Nigel Jupp, Cabinet Member for Learning & Skills said: “
Applications received on time are processed first so families who submit them before midnight on 15 January have a far greater chance of being offered one of their preferences. Those who miss the deadline will still need to apply for a school place, their child won’t automatically be offered a place, so I would urge anyone yet to apply to do so as soon as they can.
“West Sussex County Council is working to continually improve educational standards in all parts of the county. Currently, 88% of West Sussex primary schools are rated good or outstanding by Ofsted and 64,000 primary children are being nurtured and supported to enjoy their education and fulfil their potential in our schools.”