In the first lockdown, many people living in Sussex — especially those near Gatwick's flight paths — remarked on the lack of aircraft noise pollution, and skies clear of water vapour contrails.
More Radio is asking: will this happen again for the next month?
Experts from Brighton City Airport, at Shoreham, have said new government guidance permits certain flights, many of the vital to the industry and to economic well-being.
The coastal airport itself will remain open for several types of flight:
- General Aviation (GA) flying for the purposes of work is permitted, where it is not reasonably possible to work or provide those services at home.
Survey, cargo, vital medical or military flights fall into this category. - Flying training organisations providing training for professional pilots may continue to do so, and students undertaking such activity may continue to attend for these purposes.
So the various commercial pilot training organisations based at Brighton City Airport will continue to fly. - Engine health and maintenance check flights and flights to maintain currency, that would otherwise lapse during the planned lockdown period, may be conducted where there is an urgent requirement to do so and if alternative options are not available.
Brighton City Airport's director of aviation services Barry Hawkins concluded:
"We will remain open for certain types of flight, so you will see aircraft taking off, in the skies above Shoreham and landing.
"We have been issued with guidance about the categories of flight that are permitted, which we have shared with users and tenants at the airport."
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