Work will begin today (Tuesday) on installing a temporary cycle lane on the A259 between the Palace Pier and Fourth Avenue in Hove.
The cycle lane will be used by cyclists travelling westbound and will eventually extend to the western boundary of the city when the second phase of work is completed later in the year.
Eastbound cyclists will continue to use the existing footway cycle facility and lines and signage will be altered accordingly.
Work is expected to take around two weeks to complete with the first week of construction due to take place at night. This will mean all cars must be removed from the south side of the A259 between the Palace Pier and Fourth Avenue before 12pm on Tuesday 4 August.
Any cars remaining here will be towed or relocated so that work can begin on time.
The temporary cycle lane was part of the Urgent Transport Action Plan produced in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and agreed by the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee on 23 June. It will be funded from money awarded to the council by the Department for Transport’s Covid-19 Emergency Active Travel Fund.
The new temporary cycle lane will:
- Be installed on the south side of the carriageway
- Be up to 3m wide in parts to accommodate all kinds of bikes, including passenger cycles and families travelling together
- Be lightly segregated using plastic bollards and barriers
- As a result of the work, around 60% of parking spaces between the Palace Pier and Fourth Avenue will be lost. Those that remain will be offset from the kerb to maintain an uninterrupted cycle lane.
- Parking on the north side of the carriageway will be unaffected
- All disabled parking bays will be retained although some will be offset from the kerb with additional space provided on either side of the bays with new facilities to ensure additional safety and access
- All signal-controlled pedestrian crossings will be retained, and cyclists will be required to stop in the same way as motor vehicles
- You can find out more about this scheme, along with all other Covid-19 temporary schemes across the city, on our website.
You can also comment on all the temporary changes via our online survey.
The survey for the A259 will go live as soon as the work is complete, which is expected to be no later than 16 August 2020.
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